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Friday, November 30, 2012

Need a Ride?

A New Way to Go. Improved Ride-Matching Service
In the first of many steps to improve Vermont's transportation resources, the Go! Vermont program has partnered with Zimride to deliver Vermont's new and amazing online ride-matching service.

We love the new Zimride system! Zimride makes it easy to catch a lift to the Northeast Kingdom or fill the empty seats in your commute to Montpelier or school in Burlington. In seconds you can set up a profile, search for open seats, or post a ride of your own. It's a social network for ride sharing and will even connect with Facebook if you want it to. And since most folks want to pitch in for gas money, it's smart enough to suggest how much.

So....what do I need to do?
If you had previously used ride sharing, your old account is going away to make room for the new one. If you had an old account, you received an e-mail recently from Zimride with a link to set up the new account. If you did that already, you are all set! If not, go to and sign up. You'll need to be in the new system to use the

Thanks for contributing to cleaner air and less traffic by sharing the ride. If you have any questions just give us a call at 1-800-685-RIDE.
New Q&A Hotline:
Ask Us Anything...
Q&A Hotline:
...anything about your commute, that is!  In an effort to better serve you, Go! Vermont has teamed with Vermont Energy Investment Corporation (VEIC), current managers of the Efficiency Vermont program, to manage our helpline, 800-685-RIDE (7433).  This new partnership brings together the State's transportation information clearinghouse (Go! Vermont) and a professional call center (VEIC). They are ready to help you sift through your options and answer any question you might have, from bus schedules to car sharing and more.
Looking to save money by making a change to your commute?  Give us a call and we'll help you find a way around that's just right for you.

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