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Monday, January 26, 2015

A Key to Success - Time Management

iStudiez Pro

As a college student, one of the most challenging and critical habits of success is time management.  CCV students are often juggling multiple priorities – kids, work, class time, homework, and family.  The most successful students do not underestimate the number of hours they will need to spend on studying and completing assignments outside of class – 6 to 9 hours per week per class. 

To help you manage all of your obligations and keep track of all you have to do, you need a time management system that allows you to stay on top of your game.

  •   The CCV Student Planner is a great free tool to help you track your assignments and obligations.  The planner has the added benefit of providing the CCV Handbook, CCV policies and procedures, and tips and tricks for student success.  Pick up a planner in your CCV academic center.
  •   Google Calendar is another powerful time management tool - and it's free.  Google Calendar allows you to view obligations in a daily, weekly, or monthly format.  Users can also create and track tasks and print an agenda that serves as a to-do list.  You can access your calendar from any computer with your Google username and password, and you can even load Facebook events onto the calendar with the click of a button.
  • iStudiez Pro for Windows, Mac, iPhone, and iPad has been rated the Best College App by readers of   iStudiez allows you to sync across devices and organizes your daily schedule, calendar by semester, assignments, grades and instructor information. ($2.99 in iTunes, $7.99 for Windows).
  • Studious is a to-do tool for Android devices.  This free app tracks your schedule, including upcoming homework deadlines – and it can also be used for managing notes.  One of the cooler features is the ringer automation; the app automatically turns your phone to silent when you’re in class.

Once you’ve decided on a time management system – use it!  

Create a plan for the semester.  Enter class meetings, assignments, deadlines, exams, work hours, etc.  Be sure to break larger assignments into smaller chunks and assign deadlines to each step of the assignment.
1.       If you are using an electronic tool, transfer all of your information during the first week of the semester.  Be sure you can view commitments by day, week, or month.
2.       Highlight the most important deadlines and activities.  Consider color coding by category.
3.       Create to-do lists – either on paper or using your app.  Weekly and daily to-do lists are best.  You will soon discover the immense satisfaction that comes with crossing completed tasks off your lists.
4.       Finally, if you are using an app tool, back everything up by syncing all of your devices.

Do you have a system that works for you?  Have you found a great app that keeps you organized?  Let us know.

Gardner, John N., and Betsy O. Barefoot. Your College Experience. Boston: Bedford St. Martins, 2014. Print.

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