Summer 2012 is the summer of the superhero. The Avengers, Spiderman, and Batman will perform heroic deeds on movie screens throughout the summer. While we ordinary humans may not ever possess
super powers, we can consume super-foods for the brain. Super-foods?
Yup. Super-foods.
Blueberries – we all know what a blueberry is. But many people do not know what a nutritional
wallop these little gems pack.
Specifically, blueberries are a super-food for your brain. The colorful fruit is packed with anthocyanins,
the flavonoid which gives the berry its blue color. Anthocyanins help improve the flow of
information to the brain and halt the rate at which cells deteriorate. In fact, studies
have shown that drinking blueberry juice daily can improve memory by 30%. Blueberries
are also high in vitamins K and C, manganese, and fiber.
According to Dr. Weil, a half cup of blueberries provides
the antioxidant power of five servings of peas, carrots, apples, squash or
broccoli. Talk about power.
We CCVers are super-lucky because blueberries grow abound in Vermont, and there are many farms where families can go to pick their own. Off season blueberries can be costly, but frozen
blueberries are reasonably priced and the frozen berries retain their
nutrition. Frozen berries are also
perfect for making smoothies.
If smoothies aren’t your thing, check out All Recipes collection of blueberry recipes. You can
sneak the super-goodness into muffins, cakes, pancakes and pies. Yum.
Don’t you feel just a little bit smarter already?
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