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Monday, February 18, 2013

Rate Your Study Space

CCV-Bennington students hitting the books

by Alisha Leu
Student Services Intern, Community College of Vermont 

With a big test on the horizon, it’s about time that you buckle down, crack open those books and start studying. Now you must answer the big question that has been stumping students for years, “Where should I study?” Studying is a very personal process, and every student uses a slightly different method.

I’ll admit, as a student, I have used several different locations: a quiet corner of my bedroom, my dining room table, the public library, and even a busy public park. In my experience, the key is being able to minimize distractions.

The problem is that distractions are everywhere and minimizing them is challenging, but here are two tips. First, create a schedule that carves out specific study times. This allows you to rid yourself of any guilt you may feel when you take time away from your life to study. Second, turn off your social media. While Facebooking (yes, I do think Facebook can now be used as a verb) and texting friends and family are  both fun and easy ways to stay connected, these activities will not help you reach your academic goals.  Study time should be time focused on learning course content and completing assignments. 

With your distractions minimized, you can find that perfect study place. I like to test spaces in advance by doing my homework there. This helps me learn what spaces work best, which ensures that when I do sit down during my scheduled study time (with no social media distractions) I know for sure that my valuable time is not being wasted!

Using these tips will help you succeed at getting that ‘A’ on your next test, but ultimately, you must do what works best for you. Albert Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” So if you are using one location to study in and you aren’t getting the results you want, try something new for the next exam.  

Where are the hot study spots in Vermont?  Where are you studying?


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