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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Study Abroad: It's More Than You Think

CCV students in Delphi, Greece. Spring 2011

If you’re a CCV student, you’ve likely seen the posters and read the emails about our upcoming study abroad and study away course offerings.  Of course, a study abroad class offers students an opportunity to visit a different country.  But, study abroad is about so much more.
Be a better job candidate. If you want to stand out in today's job market an international perspective is critical. When looking for a job, employers find candidates that have world experience more marketable and more diverse than those that do not.  Study Abroad can provide relatable examples during an interview. 
Create a lifelong love affair with another country. Study abroad is not a short-term experience. It will shape you for the rest of your life. Back home, you'll look for films from there, for restaurants that serve its dishes, for books by its authors. It will continue to live in you. 
Gain a new appreciation for your home country. Even the most open-minded study abroad students will be unable to avoid comparing their host country with their home country. When you return home, you will likely view your home county through a different lens allowing you to appreciate the unique qualities of your culture. 
Understand your classes in a new way. Whether you're studying history, math, architecture or biology, you can gain a new perspective--and maybe even a great thesis idea--while away from your home college.  

Meet interesting people. You're going to meet some incredible people--both locals and other students. You've got a limited amount of time, so don't be shy. Throw yourself into these new friendships and be rewarded with lifelong connections.  
Find out they're nothing like us. People from other cultures have different practices and beliefs from those we are accustomed to. The customer isn't always right. You don't have to form an orderly line.   Soup is best at breakfast. It can be a little startling to have your assumptions tossed aside, but it's a good, if sometimes awkward, learning experience. 
Find out they're just like us. No matter how foreign a country may seem, you're bound to have a moment when you're struck by how people everywhere are generally more alike than different. At our core, we're all driven by the same needs and wants. You may even recognize a little bit of Grandma in the shopkeeper or a touch of Uncle Joe in the hotel owner.

For many CCV students, study-abroad has been a life-changing educational experience.  But don’t take our word for it – here is what CCV students have to say about study abroad:

“This was the best time of my life.  I recommend that every student study abroad in some fashion.”
“CCV’s study abroad program really overthrows the stigma that community colleges don’t have a lot to offer.  I was no expecting such a life changing experience – CCV rocks!”
“The experience of going somewhere and engaging with the people who live there cannot be substituted by anything else.  This trip was enriching academically, it reaffirmed the possibilities of doing the things I dream of while challenging me in new ways, and broadened my perspective on the world.”
“It was life changing…No matter what, it is worth it.  Do it.  It will change something in your life forever.”
“There were so many serendipitous experiences.  Nothing happened that I expected.  We had so many opportunities to see and do things that we would not have had, had we traveled alone.”
“The highlight for me was seeing a whole new world, a place none of my family had been, learning about another culture and way of life…It changes your view of yourself and the world.”

To learn about CCV’s upcoming trips, visit in the world do you want to go?

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